This App
is designed to increase accessibility of the user for Online courses.
Through this App our main goal is to make Online Study
experience easy and smooth for students.
JRS Tutorials came into existence in the year 1994 when a group of teachers led by a young technocrat decided to provide a platform for preparation of National level Engineering and Medical enterance examinations, an area of education which the city of Varanasi, a seat of learning, was lacking in. Since, then it has traversed a long path of glory and success. It has proved to be a seat of Quality education and a blessing to the aspiring students, helping them to succeed in competitive examinations.
JRS is a team and every member of the tram is vowed and dedicated for the cause of individual's qualitative development to achieve his mission in life. Strength of JRS lies in its very strong efficient, experienced and fully devoted team of teachers. Our classroom teaching provides a very systematic and exhaustive coverage of the syllabus providing the students with best of education and information. Almost all our teachers are full timer and pay greater attention to post class discussion and solution of problems. Patient hearing to the problems of every individual is given and niggling doubts are removed to their satisfaction.